Results for 'Yeimi Alexandra Arias Soto'

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  1.  12
    La experiencia asociativa en clave de participación ciudadana el caso de la corporación otraparte.Yeimi Alexandra Arias Soto - 2014 - Ratio Juris 9 (18):153-176.
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    Actitud filosófica como herramienta para pensar.Claudia Janneth Arias Sanabria, Gina Alexandra Carreño Sabogal & Liliana Andrea Mariño Díaz - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):237-261.
    This article presents the results of the research “Philosophical Attitude and Childhood: Teachers’ Formation and Transformation”, developed at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC Kindergarten, by using the Community of Inquiry as a strategy to foster a philosophical attitude. It is divided in three descriptive moments, the first one, previous considerations, contains: philosophy as a tool to think, philosophical attitude as a life style, philosophy for kids as a theoretical and methodological perspective; the second one includes methodological perspectives; (...)
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  3. Tensiones entre el mundo tecnológico y el mundo de la vida.Ana Patricia Noguera de Echeverri & Diana Alexandra Bernal Arias - 2013 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 23:21-37.
    Existe una escisión del hombre con la naturaleza inscrita en los aspectos de la vida; la civilización moderna está en crisis ambiental, de la cultura, de sentido, de la técnica y de la manera en que habita y crea hábitat el hombre. La técnica moderna se ha instaurado de la mano de la ciencia y la economía llamándose tecnología: una manera de la techné distanciada de sus orígenes y que ha pasado de la creación e invención a una repetibilidad que (...)
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    Voces y silencios de la tierra en la composición polifónica de las geografías ético-poéticas sur-sur.Ana Patricia Noguera De Echeverri, Diana Alexandra Bernal Arias & Sergio Manuel Echeverri Noguera - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:33-54.
    La composición polifónica musical nos permite hablar de la emergencia, en el sur y desde el sur que somos, de Voces de la Tierra, que han susurrado, cantado, llorado o gritado el dolor producido por las maneras de habitar humanas construidas en la modernidad cosificadora de la tierra y del mundo de la vida, modernidad mercantil, industrial y global cuya ética se ha reducido a valores absolutamente euro-antropo-racional-centristas, permeados por el valor supremo del capital. En este artículo, emergente de pensadores (...)
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    Pacari Brand Engagement and its Emotional Connection in Ethical Consumption.Edmundo Guillermo Córdova Duran, Ana del Rocío Cornejo Mayorga, Mayra Alexandra Samaniego Arias, Ariel Omar Cruz Oña, Giovanni David Alejandro Salazar & Erick Stalin Pazmiño Peñafiel - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):135-145.
    The paper analyzes the factors that brand engagement produces in the growth of a brand, studying the values of creating emotional bonds to retain customers and develop consumer cultures. The PACARI brand is taken as a reference, which has international recognition, managing to position Ecuador as the country where the best chocolate in the world originates. The objective is to analyze the impact of PACARI and its connection in ethical consumption, where the brand has generated impact from the word of (...)
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    Five Reasons to Doubt the Existence of a Geometric Module.Alexandra D. Twyman & Nora S. Newcombe - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1315-1356.
    It is frequently claimed that the human mind is organized in a modular fashion, a hypothesis linked historically, though not inevitably, to the claim that many aspects of the human mind are innately specified. A specific instance of this line of thought is the proposal of an innately specified geometric module for human reorientation. From a massive modularity position, the reorientation module would be one of a large number that organized the mind. From the core knowledge position, the reorientation module (...)
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    Diálogo, alteridade e agir ético na educação: um encontro entre Martin Buber, Mikhail Bakhtin e Paulo Freire.Alexandra Coelho Pena - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):751-781.
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  8. Jantipa versus Sócrates.José Manuel Soto Villalba - 2002 - A Parte Rei 24:8.
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    Examining the Effects of Incremental Case Presentation and Forecasting Outcomes on Case-Based Ethics Instruction.Alexandra E. MacDougall, Lauren N. Harkrider, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Juandre Peacock, Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport & Shane Connelly - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):126-150.
    Case-based reasoning has long been used to facilitate instructional effectiveness. Although much remains to be known concerning the most beneficial way to present case material, recent literature suggests that simplifying case material is favorable. Accordingly, the current study manipulated two instructional techniques, incremental case presentation and forecasting outcomes, in a training environment in an attempt to better understand the utility of simplified versus complicated case presentation for learning. Findings suggest that pairing these two cognitively demanding techniques reduces satisfaction and detracts (...)
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    Moral disengagement and academic engagement: the moderating roles of educational anti-mattering and psychological distress.Alexandra Maftei, Cristian Opariuc-Dan & Tina Vrabie - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (5):342-359.
    Research concerning the link between morality and education-related variables is scarce. Thus, the present study addressed this issue by focusing on the connection between moral disengagement and academic engagement and the moderating roles of educational anti-mattering and psychological distress. Our sample comprised 363 university students aged 18 to 29 (M = 20.86, SD = 1.57) from Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. Correlation analysis suggested that academic engagement was negatively associated with psychological distress and educational anti-mattering. Moderation analyses suggested that moral disengagement (...)
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    Referring to institutional entities: Semantic and ontological perspectives.Alexandra Arapinis - 2013 - Applied ontology 8 (1):31-57.
    Focusing on the systematic polysemy of institution-denoting terms, this paper defends the general view that such multiple-meaning phenomena take root in the complex ontological structure of the den...
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  12.  29
    Does childhood maltreatment make us more morally disengaged? The indirect effect of expressive suppression.Alexandra Maftei & Ștefania Nițu - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (2):104-119.
    The present cross-sectional study explored whether childhood maltreatment might lead to moral disengagement through emotion regulation strategies, i.e. expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal. We examined these links in a convenience sample of 178 adults aged 18 to 56 (M = 22.50, SD = 4.89) who completed an online survey. Results suggested that expressive suppression was positively linked to emotioal and sexual abuse and moral disengagement. At the same time, cognitive reappraisal was negatively correlated with emotional abuse. Also, moral disengagement was (...)
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    Do emotional stimuli interfere with response inhibition? evidence from the antisaccade paradigm.Alexandra Hoffmann, Christian Büsel, Marcel Ritter & Pierre Sachse - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-8.
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  14. Should Hobbes’s State of Nature Be Represented as a Prisoner’s Dilemma?Andrew Alexandra - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):1-16.
  15.  13
    Character Strengths Profiles in Medical Professionals and Their Impact on Well-Being.Alexandra Huber, Cornelia Strecker, Timo Kachel, Thomas Höge & Stefan Höfer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566728.
    Character strengths profiles in the specific setting of medical professionals are widely unchartered territory. This paper focused on an overview of character strengths profiles of medical professionals (medical students and physicians) based on literature research and available empirical data illustrating their impact on well-being and work engagement. A literature research was conducted and the majority of peer-reviewed considered articles dealt with theoretical or conceptually driven ‘virtues’ associated with medical specialties or questions of ethics in patient care (e.g., professionalism, or what (...)
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  16.  30
    Utilitarian choices in COVID-19 dilemmas depend on whether or not a foreign language is used and type of dilemma.Alexandra Maftei, Andrei-Corneliu Holman & Olga Gancevici - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (6):480-497.
    We were interested in exploring the associations and effects of experimental language (i.e., native – L1, or foreign – L2), dilemma type (i.e., personal – D1 or impersonal – D2), the digital device participants used (i.e., PC/laptop or smartphone), along with gender and age in sacrificial COVID-19 and non-COVID moral dilemmas. We performed two studies involving 522 participants aged 18 to 69 in April 2020. In Study 1, we found no significant associations between the dilemma type and the digital device. (...)
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    An Epistemic Objection to Racial Profiling.Alexandra Lloyd - forthcoming - Tandf: Social Epistemology:1-9.
  18. El Tractatus de Anima atribuido a Dominicus Gundisalinus. Estudio, edición crítica y traducción castellana.C. Alonso del Real & M. J. Soto Bruna - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (250):1088.
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    A reader of philosophy from its ancient beginnings to the 20th century.Fee-Alexandra Haase - unknown
    A Reader of Philosophy from its Ancient Beginnings to the 20th Century.
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  20. The Language of Love. A Cultural History of Love and Erotic Between Heaven and Earth.Fee-Alexandra Haase - manuscript
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    Competing goals draw attention to effort, which then enters cost-benefit computations as input.Marie Hennecke & Alexandra M. Freund - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):690-691.
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  22. Fundamentos hermeneuticos.Diego Soto Isaza - 1998 - Escritos (misc) 26.
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    Sistemas intertextuales transmedia: exploraciones conceptuales y aproximaciones investigativas.Diego Fernando Montoya, Mauricio Vásquez Arias & Harold Salinas Arboleda - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (18):137-159.
    El presente artículo explora algunas de las discusiones teóricas que sobre el concepto de narrativas transmedia se vienen tejiendo actualmente, deteniéndose en particular sobre nociones clave como las de expansión narrativa y relaciones intertextuales, para finalizar indicando la necesidad de constituir una serie de referentes teóricos y metodológicos, que permitan abordar la diversidad de formas expresivas que constituyen los sistemas intertextuales transmedia.
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  24. Choosing to hear music: motivation, process and effect.John Sloboda, Alexandra Lamont & Greasley & Alinka - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  25. A quiet revolution : vulnerability in the European Court of Human Rights.Alexandra Timmer - 2013 - In Martha Fineman & Anna Grear, Vulnerability: reflections on a new ethical foundation for law and politics. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  26. Reasoning by analogy in inductive logic.Alexandra Hill & J. B. Paris - 2011 - In Michal Peliš & Vít Punčochář, The Logica Yearbook. College Publications. pp. 63--76.
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    Thomas Hobbes and the Science of Moral Virtue.Andrew Alexandra - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (185):550.
    In Leviathan Thomas Hobbes defines moral philosophy as 'the science of Virtue and Vice', yet few modern readers take this description seriously. Moreover, it is typically assumed that Hobbes' ethical views are unrelated to his views of science. Influential modern interpreters have portrayed Hobbes as either an amoralist, or a moral contractarian, or a rule egoist, or a divine command theorist. David Boonin-Vail challenges all these assumptions and presents a new, and very unorthodox, interpretation of Hobbes's ethics. He shows that (...)
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  28. Ethical theory, “common morality,” and professional obligations.Andrew Alexandra & Seumas Miller - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (1):69-80.
    We have two aims in this paper. The first is negative: to demonstrate the problems in Bernard Gert’s account of common morality, in particular as it applies to professional morality. The second is positive: to suggest a more satisfactory explanation of the moral basis of professional role morality, albeit one that is broadly consistent with Gert’s notion of common morality, but corrects and supplements Gert’s theory. The paper is in three sections. In the first, we sketch the main features of (...)
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  29. Elusive Consent.Alexandra Lloyd - 2021 - Public Affairs Quarterly 34.
    Deception, like coercion, can invalidate the moral force of consent. In the sexual domain, when someone is deceived about some feature of their partner, knowledge of which would be dispositive of their decision to have sex – a dealbreaker – the moral validity of their consent is undermined. I argue that in order to determine whether someone has discharged their duties of disclosure in the sexual domain, we should ask whether, upon receiving a token of consent to sex, they have (...)
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    Calabozos ideológicos y dragones cognitivos.Leonardo Bloise, Carlos Arias Grandio & Guillermo Folguera - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:177-192.
    En los últimos años han aparecido publicaciones que intentan generar un marco para la aplicación de conocimientos neurocognitivos para la resolución de problemáticas sociales. Bajo el mote de “ciencias de comportamiento”, este campo de estudios que se presenta como profundamente interdisciplinario se propone aportar herramientas para resolver diversas problemáticas sociales, mediante la dilucidación de los mecanismos subyacentes a la conducta humana y su posterior operacionalización en forma de políticas públicas. Enfocamos nuestra mirada en ciertos aspectos epistemológicos e ideológicos que subyacen (...)
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    Testing for Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Domestic Horses Across Different Contexts – Consistency Over Time and Effects of Context.Alexandra Safryghin, Denise V. Hebesberger & Claudia A. F. Wascher - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Keep talking, I need to check my phone! Online vigilance and phubbing: the role of loneliness and moral disengagement.Alexandra Maftei & Cornelia Măirean - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (6):410-424.
    In the present study, we investigated the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing, a specific form of technoference that implies ignoring someone while favoring technological, Internet-based devices, such as smartphones. We also explored the mediating role of loneliness and the moderating role of moral disengagement in the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing. Our sample comprised 607 young adults aged 18 to 30 (M = 20.80, SD = 2.70, 71.5% females) who completed an online survey. Correlation analyses suggested significant positive (...)
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    Factors Associated with Students’ Psychological Distress: The Roles of Creativity, Cognitive Flexibility, and Educational (Anti)mattering.Alexandra Maftei & Tina Vrabie - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):119-140.
    The present cross-sectional study examined some of the factors associated with psychological distress among students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. We investigated the roles of age, academic performance, creativity, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and anti-mattering and their roles when discussing participants’ psychological distress. Our sample comprised 337 students aged 19 to 29 from a Romanian public university, aged 19 to 29 (M = 20.86, SD = 1.55). Correlation analysis suggested that age, cognitive flexibility, educational mattering, and creativity were negatively (...)
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    Does perceived parental emotional warmth contribute to adults’ higher compassion? The mediating role of moral identity.Alexandra Maftei & Camelia Alexandra Burdea - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (7):506-521.
    Previous studies suggested that parenting is critically important in the development of both moral identity and compassion, but more research is needed concerning the stability of these effects and whether they carry over into adulthood. The present study addressed this issue by examining the link between a specific dimension of perceived parental style and compassion and the mediating role of moral identity in this relationship. The research sample comprised 208 adults aged 18 to 60 (M = 25.44, SD = 7.09, (...)
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    John Rawls et al., A cincuenta años de Teoría de la justicia, México: Contraste, 2021.Camilo Andrés Soto Suárez - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):259-260.
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    Private Military and Security Companies: Ethics, Policies and Civil-Military Relations.Andrew Alexandra, Deane-Peter Baker & Marina Caparini (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Over the past twenty years, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) have become significant elements of national security arrangements, assuming many of the functions that have traditionally been undertaken by state armies. Given the centrality of control over the use of coercive force to the functioning and identity of the modern state, and to international order, these developments clearly are of great practical and conceptual interest. This edited volume provides an interdisciplinary overview of PMSCs: what they are, why they have (...)
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    Challenges to Forensic Medicine in the Postmodern Era the Impact of the New Technologies.Bianca Hanganu, Andreea-Alexandra Velnic, Irina Smaranda Manoilescu & Beatrice Gabriela Ioan - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (3):12-23.
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    Gopal Sreenivasan, Emotion and Virtue.Alexandra Gustafson - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):183-186.
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    Epistemic Blame and Epistemic Business.Alexandra Cunningham - unknown
    This thesis concerns our standing to epistemically blame. We have reason to think three claims hold true: we only have the standing to epistemically blame when it’s our epistemic business, other people’s epistemic errors are rarely our epistemic business, and we often have the standing to epistemically blame. These jointly inconsistent claims generate the puzzle which motivates this thesis. I begin in Chapter II by offering a novel account of epistemic blame. Chapters III and IV represent my argument against the (...)
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    A Diophantine definition of rational integers over some rings of algebraic numbers.Alexandra Shlapentokh - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):299-321.
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    Whole-for-part metonymy, classification, and grounding.Alexandra Arapinis - 2015 - Linguistics and Philosophy 38 (1):1-29.
    Since the early 1980s, metonymy has progressively gained central stage in linguistic investigations. The advent of cognitive linguistics marked a new turn in the study of this trope conceived, not as a deviation from semantic conventions, but as a phenomenon rooted in non-language-specific mechanisms of conceptualization of the world. Acknowledging that metonymy is ultimately cognitive in nature, this paper proposes to consider metonymy from its multiple levels of manifestation, integrating cognitive, pragmatic, semantic, but also ontological angles of approach. Taking whole-for-part (...)
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  42. How to Teach Philosophy of Science.Alexandra Bradner - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (2):169-192.
    Philosophy of science is a challenging course to teach. This paper offers suggestions for early-, middle- and late-career professors who teach philosophy of science at the undergraduate or graduate level. The advantages and disadvantages of four different course designs are discussed, and a list of possible syllabus topics is presented. The paper encourages a thoroughgoing approach to inclusive pedagogy: it recommends that we look for ways to highlight a range of underrepresented voices throughout the semester, instead of tacking on one (...)
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    Patient‐Satisfaction Surveys on a Scale of 0 to 10: Improving Health Care, or Leading It Astray?.Alexandra Junewicz & Stuart J. Youngner - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (3):43-51.
    The current institutional focus on patient satisfaction and on surveys designed to assess this could eventually compromise the quality of health care while simultaneously raising its cost. We begin this paper with an overview of the concept of patient satisfaction, which remains poorly and variously defined. Next, we trace the evolution of patient‐satisfaction surveys, including both their useful and problematic aspects. We then describe the effects of these surveys, the most troubling of which may be their influence on the behavior (...)
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    Chromatin remodeling by ATP‐dependent molecular machines.Alexandra Lusser & James T. Kadonaga - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (12):1192-1200.
    The eukaryotic genome is packaged into a periodic nucleoprotein structure termed chromatin. The repeating unit of chromatin, the nucleosome, consists of DNA that is wound nearly two times around an octamer of histone proteins. To facilitate DNA‐directed processes in chromatin, it is often necessary to rearrange or to mobilize the nucleosomes. This remodeling of the nucleosomes is achieved by the action of chromatin‐remodeling complexes, which are a family of ATP‐dependent molecular machines. Chromatin‐remodeling factors share a related ATPase subunit and participate (...)
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    Occasions and non-occasions: Identity, femininity and high-heeled shoes.Alexandra Sherlock, Victoria Robinson, Jenny Hockey & Rachel Dilley - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2):143-158.
    This article addresses theoretical problems around the notion of ‘choice’, using empirical data from a three-year, ESRC-funded study of identity, transition and footwear among both women and men. With a focus on female participants who wore, or had worn high-heeled shoes, it draws on Budgeon’s argument for viewing the body as event, as becoming, and Finch’s use of the concept of display, to explore the temporalities of high-heeled shoe wear, particularly as an aspect of ‘dressing up’. Data from both focus (...)
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    Flexible information-seeking in chimpanzees.Alexandra G. Rosati, Elisa Felsche, Megan F. Cole, Rebeca Atencia & Joshua Rukundo - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105898.
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    Salud mental, afrontamiento y habilidades sociales para personas privadas de la libertad.Paola Andrea Arias Bravo, Orlando Almeida Salinas & Farid Sanchez Torres - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-15.
    La investigación pretende implementar una propuesta de intervención psicológica que fortalezca las estrategias de afrontamiento y habilidades sociales de las personas privadas de la libertad [PPL], internas en el complejo penitenciario y carcelario de Jamundí, que aporte al proceso de resocialización y prevención de conductas disruptivas y suicidas en el marco del programa institucional INPEC “Preservación de la vida”. La metodología cuenta con un enfoque mixto, diseño explicativo secuencial, alcance explicativo – exploratorio de corte transversal. La muestra: conformada por 80 (...)
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    History of Social Engineering Theories.Alexandra A. Argamakova - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (7):85-108.
    The first mentions of “social engineering” and “social technologies” concepts started from the 19th century. Until the present moment, different lines of this story have been left neglected and insufficiently researched. In the article, initial meanings and authentic contexts of their usage are explained in more details. The investigation reaches the 1920s−1930s and is finished at the intersection of the Soviet and the American contexts concerned with scientific organization of labor, business optimization and economic planning. In conclusion, recent modifications of (...)
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  49. Professional ethics for politicians?Andrew Alexandra - 2007 - In Igor Primoratz, Politics and morality. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 76--91.
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    Militarism.Andrew Alexandra - 1993 - Social Theory and Practice 19 (2):205-223.
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